Caitlin Rose Donnelly is a multidisciplinary artist based in rural Southland with her husband and two children. Her practice analyses being an estranged Māori, an adoptee, a mother, and a woman in traditionally male spaces. The whakataukī 'Ka mua, ka muri,' meaning we must look to the past to inform the future, centres her whakaaro and mahi. She works for her husband's farming business, Paemanu Ngāi Tahu Contemporary Visual Arts Charitable Trust and Blue Oyster Art Project Space. She is a member of Dirty Laundry Collective.
Dirty Laundry is a collective of artists and writers whose exhibition at Toi Pōneke explored invisible labour in the home. Here, they use images and words to stitch together a 'crazy quilt' about how they collaborate and carve space for creativity in their busy lives.