Bronwyn Polaschek writes non-fiction about things she's interested in - feminism, popular culture, especially film and celebrity, as well as the experiences of mothering, teaching, and ordinary life. She is the author of The Post-feminist Biopic and has published work about Amy Winehouse, solo mothers in NZ cinema, a beloved homemade teddy bear, and most recently in Headland, the ethical quandaries of buying a new velvet jumpsuit. Bronwyn is an English and Media Studies teacher at Onslow College. She is a member of Dirty Laundry collective. She lives with her husband and three children on a hill in Te Whanganui-a-Tara.
Dirty Laundry is a collective of artists and writers whose exhibition at Toi Pōneke explored invisible labour in the home. Here, they use images and words to stitch together a 'crazy quilt' about how they collaborate and carve space for creativity in their busy lives.